
“Schools are the real nation builders” This proverb holds high in our school as the following clubs have been initiated to make the students understand the basic concepts in a better way.

Language Club

The Language clubs play a dynamic role in enhancing oratory and calligraphy skills of the students through carefully structured activities and provide a platform to polish them in such a way that they face the challenges of life and bring laurels to school. It also helps students to make spontaneous decisions while debating and discussing a topic and hence enabling them to exude self confidence

Language Club


Eco-Club of the school is working to spread the above stated message of mother earth. Members of the Eco-club through various activities like Tree-planting, Posters, Slogans, Rallies, Cleaning the surroundings etc. try to make the people aware of the significance of the greenery and cleanliness. Field trips are also organized to make the students aware of various kinds of species of plants, animals and birds.


Heritage and Integrity Club

Heritage is a conceptual identity of an area which includes not only built tangible Heritage but has intangible aspects like its language, lifestyles, ceremonies, festivities, work cultures inherent / specific of a community. To promote its awareness and involvement in Heritage and to inculcate a respect for diversity Heritage club has been initiated. It also cultivates 'Human Values' among students by means of organizing games, activities and workshops thus teaching them the integrity of the moral values.

Heritage and Integrity Club

Art & Craft Club

“Art and Craft” is a way which helps a child to develop his/her creativity and power of expression. Thus special emphasis is given to provide artistic education to the students and to encourage them to take part in the competitions related to these activities.

Art & Craft Club

Sports Club

M.M.P.S. strogly believes in the physical development of each and every student along with the intellectual development. Hence special coaching is provided by the well trained, renowned coaches during zero-period daily which is open for all. Our sports teams have bagged a number of trophies in various zonal and interschool sports competitions. The school offers training in following sports:-
Table Tennis, Chess, Caram-Board.
Karate, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Skating, Gymnastic, Athletics, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Badminton, etc.

Sports Club

Music Club

Music helps to harmonize one's inner self with nature and God. Thus it imparts ecstatic joy, peace and freshness to the mind and soul. Keeping this benefit in view students are given education in Music (both vocal as well as instrumental) by well-trained, expert teachers. Our school choir has secured many prizes in competitions held by the Directorate of Education and by various cultural organizations in this capital city.

Music Club

Dance Club

India is a land of various Dance forms. To propagate this culture to the coming generations M.M.P.S. provides Dance education to its students. They are given training in classical Indian, Western and Indian folk dances by expert teachers.

Dance Club

Computer Club

The Computer Club is one of the most active clubs in MMPS; the club comprises a team of passionate and organized youths who are interested in learning about the advanced technology of the 21st century. The objectives of the Computer Club are to widen the perspectives of MMPS in Information Technology and allow them to get hands-on experiences with IT. Members get to expand their horizons by learning different IT skills using existing software, such as Adobe Flash, Game Maker, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and 3D modeling software, and constantly trying out new programs. By using various software, MMPains become more tech-savvy and efficient, which is definitely a benefit in the 21st century. Experienced and friendly trainers ensure that members are well prepared for competitions and help them through problems, should they happen to encounter any.

Dance Club

Entrepreneur Club

Founded with the aims to “champion the entrepreneurial spirit.” This club achieves this fantastic goal by connecting second-stage entrepreneurs with their students through various leadership programs like Economic Gardening, cooking at home, etc. the main objective of having entrepreneurship clubs is to provide an avenue through which learners can acquire skills to cope with life outside school, either on the labour market or for job creation.

Entrepreneur Club

Health & Hygiene Club

Health & Hygiene Club is created with objective to favorably influence the habits', attitude and knowledge relating to an individual and community. It can modify students behaviour towards the attainment of optimum health. Physical Education caters to provide physical fitness which an important component of wellness.

Health & Hygiene Club

Readers Club

Readers club is a great way to engage students with reading and help build a reading culture at MMPS. Students can find ideas for discussions and do the activities with book that students enjoy.

Readers Club

Robotics Club

Robotics club is a yearlong robotics program aimed at implementing technology enhanced learning in classrooms. It aims to promote robotics as a tool for application of concepts learnt by students in classrooms using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) integration by creating multiple intelligence-based learning environment.
Robotics also provides an opportunity to rediscover and redesign learning by engaging students in an inquiry-based approach to collaborate and be creative in solving open ended robotics challenges. It is best suited for Challenge Based Learning and Problem Based Learning.

Robotics club